THE NAPPING HOUSE by Audrey Wood, Illustrated by Don Wood

It was raining in the library too: The text builds upon itself, and the children are always surprised when the flea bites the mouse and everything unfolds into pure fun: Retelling the story: “Snoring Granny”: Granny was “baking” a pumpkin pie: For my afternoon class we made “napping houses”, cut out the characters from the… More THE NAPPING HOUSE by Audrey Wood, Illustrated by Don Wood

ROOM ON THE BROOM by Julia Donaldson, illustrated by Axel Scheffler

This book not only has wonderful rhymes, but the vocabulary is remarkable. I just love the amount of words in this book that a far from everyday words, but are used in perfect ease in this story. What a fantastic way to introduce children to new words. Our broom is looking pretty heavy…. Oh no….… More ROOM ON THE BROOM by Julia Donaldson, illustrated by Axel Scheffler


Illustrated by Gabhor Utomo. Yes, another Jack and the Beanstalk story. I still have a “Jack” “climbing down the beanstalk”, and the Giant looking down in the library. The children love it, they want to know everything. So of course I have to read Jack and the Beanstalk….again… but it is a different version than… More FEE, FI, FO, FUM…AGAIN!


By Laura Numeroff, Illustrated by Felicia Bond It is so fun to be back at school! B and I are both well rested after a wonderful summer and are ready to get back to the important business of reading to children! 🙂 It can be hard to get up early again and go to school…… More IF YOU TAKE A MOUSE TO SCHOOL


Mother Goose flew in on her big goose to fill in for her sister, Miss Library, this week. (Miss Library went to Hawaii to surf). Mother Goose introduced the children to some of her many geese: The illustrations in this book are so beautiful: So many good stories and rhymes! Mother Goose gave the children… More MOTHER GOOSE AND FRIENDS by Ruth Sanderson


By Janet Schulman, illustrated by Linda Davick Did you know that Beatrix and the Easter Bunny are best friends? The children were able to see the Easter Bunny (on the projector): It is fun to look for the hidden eggs in this story. Can you find the two hidden eggs on the following pages? Hahah… More 10 EASTER EGG HUNTERS – A HOLIDAY COUNTING BOOK


Here is a short movie of our week: I believe in imagination. I believe in creative play. Good thing the children love it. We always have so much fun acting out a story after we read it. We are very lucky to have a room across from the library that we can use for stories… More GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS by James Marshall


We had such a fun Dr. Seuss week. How do you not love these t-shirts all of the children received? We kicked everything off with a Dr. Seuss parade! We had “wear stripes and/or your hat day”, Wacky Wednesday, green eggs and ham day (wear green) and crazy socks day (Fox in Socks): We had… More “WHY FIT IN WHEN YOU WERE BORN TO STAND OUT!” -DR. SEUSS


By Brian Wildsmith Are they cousins? We think the tortoise is saying “I can do it!”: Beatrix sleeps after eating a lot too! (Sometimes with his eyes open) SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE! We decided that sometimes we need to be like a tortoise and go slow and steady, and sometimes we need to… More THE HARE AND THE TORTOISE


By Anita Jeram This is a sweet, beautiful illustrated book. Perfect for “love” week. The children got very concerned about the lost bunny: And are SO happy about this: Who will you whisper “I love you” to? After the story we all acted like bunnies with the help of this song: Sleeping bunnies… “Hop little… More BUNNY, MY HONEY


By Margaret Wise Brown During this busy time, this story is always calming and focuses on the wonder of Christmas. I love how these illustrations challenge the “traditional” Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and so beautiful. The children really love to play with this nativity set. This is what was playing on the projector: Super secret… More A CHILD IS BORN


By Anna Dewdney Make sure to watch until the end – where you will get to say hi to Moses! 🙂 I am going to admit I can relate to Llama, llama. I sometimes find it hard to wait, and have had meltdowns too. Hahah – we probably all have! This is a great book… More LLAMA LLAMA HOLIDAY DRAMA


By Leslea Newman, illustrated by Kyrsten Brooker We had so much fun learning all about Hanukkah this week. This book is a clever story about a runway dreidel similar to The Night Before Christmas. It has wonderful rhymes and colorful illustrations. I dear friend lent me one of her menorah’s – how cute is this?… More RUNAWAY DREIDEL!


Henny Penny by Paul Galdone This book is so wonderful for preschool. Just getting the children to repeat the names of the characters is so great for their speech. It is also repetitive, which helps the children remember the story. Even nonsensical rhyming is helpful for emerging readers and for language. What does it feel… More THE SKY IS FALLING!!


By Stan and Jan Berenstain never gets old! There are so many reasons to love this book for preschool children. Easy text for early readers – they love the fact that they can “read” the first page after we talk about how many bears and if they are little or big. It is also a… More THE SPOOKY OLD TREE…


by Christie Matheson. A fun, interactive book for the children. Perfect for any kind of planting activity for the spring. After we read the book, we planted zinnias. We are hoping to see some sprouts soon. We talked about the importance of butterflies, bees and the birds that enjoy the flowers. We also talked about… More PLANT THE TINY SEED…

And Granny, What Big Teeth You Have…

This week we had fun with Red Riding Hood by James Marshall. A colorful and somewhat silly version of Little Red Riding Hood. In this picture Red Riding Hood’s mother is making custard for Red’s Granny. We always stop and count the cats in the picture. NINE!! In the kitchen? (Hahah! How much cat fur… More And Granny, What Big Teeth You Have…

Snowmen at Night aka “Pickle Nose”!

By Caralyn Buehner, pictures by Mark Buehner Who knew how busy snowmen could be at night? They have some great winter adventures. The children love finding the “pickle nose” snowman in this book. When they see him, they scream at the top of their lungs: “PICKLE NOSE” and fall over laughing. The snowmen are having… More Snowmen at Night aka “Pickle Nose”!

The Mitten

By Jan Brett I am a huge fan of Jan Brett. I think her books are just beautiful. I also love the clues she leaves for her readers. The children are learning about foreshadowing in literature. 🙂 Print mittens and animals to color and cut out from here: During non-covid times we would normally… More The Mitten

It’s Christmas, David!

By David Shannon It seems the Coronavirus is a little like the Grinch, and we are Whoville. You will NOT take our Christmas away. It feels busy – gift buying (ok mostly online), Christmas cards, small gatherings outside to see friends and family surrounded by Christmas lights. And a Christmas program at school, via video.… More It’s Christmas, David!


You can’t catch me. I’m the Gingerbread Man! Why do I love this book so much? Well to start with, it is just fun and engaging, and the children love it. There are also so many teachable components that can come out of this book. The first one is repeating and memorizing phrases. This is… More RUN, RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!

Bark, George

By Jules Feiffer I like to read this story because…well it is just silly. And silly stories seem to catch the attention of our children! They are never expecting George to say “meow” after his mother asks him to bark. The illustrations in this book are fantastic. The mother just makes me giggle. From this… More Bark, George

What fun we had this week with baby Moses – Llama Llama’s cousin!

Ok, so Moses is an alpaca – but don’t they look like they could be related? How do you make a fun book even more special? By bringing Llama Llama’s cousin Moses to school to interact with the children. I hope it worked! AND perfect for many of the classes who were still on the… More What fun we had this week with baby Moses – Llama Llama’s cousin!

FEE FI FO FUM! Fun with Jack and the Beanstalk

I like this version by Anna Milbourne (Usborne books) for preschool, it is a short, simple version with colorful pages. (It is missing the harp in the story). The giant can be scary for some children, which is why I usually ask them to be the giant so they feel a little more in control.… More FEE FI FO FUM! Fun with Jack and the Beanstalk

“Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge?!” The Three Billy Goats Gruff

This is one of my favorite stories to read to the children. It is simple, so they can easily act it out (and they love that!). They can also explore their feelings and emotions about the troll. He is not nice, and can be kind of scary to some children. I like to turn him… More “Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge?!” The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Another BEAR?? The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR

Why not add some more bear fun? Hopefully your children have been busy hunting for bears (see previous post)! Grab some strawberries and watch this: I have heard from some parents that they are feeling overwhelmed. I can only imagine! I am not sure how parents are managing small children, homework, Zoom, meals and their… More Another BEAR?? The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and THE BIG HUNGRY BEAR

Well of course you need to know all about Beatrix…

Beatrix is our book bunny. Beatrix loves children and of course loves books and story time. Beatrix is a rescue bunny. I was told Beatrix was a female bunny so I named her Beatrix (after Beatrix Potter). A few months ago, I took her to the vet to get her fixed and they informed me… More Well of course you need to know all about Beatrix…